Friday, August 24, 2007

v ı s ı o n . v ı x t o n

T H I S · I S · M Y · V I X I O N of the vixton skyline with an entertainment district from Main street Angermannagatan (Straits Street/6th Ave) in West End City Downtown with a new Bathory Plaza named after the passed away inventor of Viking Metal Thomas Quorthon Forsberg’s band. Viking Metal video chart

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

t e x a s . d r e a m . v i s i t

I · D R E A M · about travelling allmost every night. In the dream I have several problems getting away and allways wake up when the dream is taking a bit chaotic direction. Maybe I feel that it’s time to make some planning for a major trip abroad.

The city Austin (named after Stephen F. Austin), the capital of Texas growing rapidly. Several new skyscrapers are approved in Downtown etc. I got an invitation to the Game Developers Conference at the Convention Centre, a show held in September. Also listended to Patty Griffin, the artist from Austin and added her as a myspace friend tonight. Heard that Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple, is a good friend of hers. Joined the Mac music group also.

I try to make some comparisions beteween my ”new” reconstructed hometown Stockholm West (aka Vixton/Vallingby) and Austin. Austin much bigger but some likenesses may excist. The device "Keep Austin Weird" is mentioned on the net, meaning that the city is known for its blend of lifestyles with artists, musicians, accademics, workers etc. UofT is located on a campus outside the downtown. One former colegue at work visited a media education program at UT a couple of years ago. Would be interesting to visit Austin.

(a) Austinist
(a) Austin Game Development Confernece
(a) The University of Texas at Austin

Friday, August 17, 2007

g o o d . s o u n d i n g . n e w s

M U S I C · N E W S · daily music industry news with this newswidget.

Monday, August 13, 2007

c . o r . - c

A NEW LAW saying that artist can have a right to be handled over the names of file shares for claiming their right in disputes on copyrighted material, is under way. The Moderate Party (m) member of parliament, Karl Sigfrid is going in the opposite way, and claims that the society shouldn’t criminalizise the young generation, that don’t can understand the relevance of the excisting copyright law. Sigfrid wants to make the law designed in an other way. According to EU leading lawer the internet service providers aren’t forced to handle over the names of file shares and it’s up to every member country to have their own method. Mr Sigfrid wants to abandon the old copyright law completely, to have the judges recourses focused on more important types of crimes than judgeing private file sharers that copying for private use. The technology has taken several laps ahead of the immaterial law now he says. The copyright law shouldn’t give the artist a situation of monopol that severely restricts the freedom of speach and the distribution of goods. Some Nobel Prize awarded scientists has also expressed theories and thoughts that point in the same direction.

Mr Sigfrid’s blog
Karl Sigfrid’s profile on the parliament web.
The complete article by Karl Sigfrid.

(Sources: and

Friday, August 10, 2007

r . n . r . g e e k . s h o w

I · S U B S C R I B E · T O · 3 0 · podcasts.The podcast Rock N Roll Geek Show is definitely one of the absolute best if you count entertainment value. The host Michael Butler is shameless but never rude. He has a serious intention to look at all aspects of rock n roll.

Michael’s Myspace Profile