Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sweden ICT Week in Kista Sc City

THE EXCENTRIC MARKETINIG EXPERT AND COLLEAGUE Mats L. Lindblom comming to meeting up at Sweden ICT Week. Here about to embark Kista Scinece Towers conference centre to enjoye the entrepreneur day.

Lectures was presented by heavyweighters from Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, Ericsson etc. The future is bright for normadic mobile computing and WiFi for everyone – embedded in digital life anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

Learn more
Sweden ICT Week

Friday, September 15, 2006

Rocketboom Video Podcast

MY FAVORITE VIDOEPODCAST is Rocketboom from New York City with Joanne Colan. Three daily minutes of information and fun. Joannes sense of humour, modest english accent and fancy mimics makes the podcast both personal and entertaining. Yesterday Rocketboom's Joanne visited Podcamp 2006 in Boston. The daybefore that a corespondent made a report on Mechalodeon a traveling theatre of mechanical animations.


Monday, September 11, 2006

One Week To Election Day

NEXT SUNDAY THE SWEDES ARE GOING TO ELECTION of their political leadership for the next mandatory period of four years. Yesterday, one week to go, Goran Persson prime minister and leader for the Social Democrats and Fredrik Reinfeldt, prime minister candidate for Moderaterna from the opposition alliance, battled at Swedens public service broadcater SVT1 at prime time. Next sunday we know who is the winner.
Discussion on Flashback Forum on the "Heavyweight Match".
Dick Erixon's blog on the Duel.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Final Fantasy VII

I HAVE WATCHED THE DVD "FINAL FANTASY VII – ADVENT CHILDREN" (2006) a fantastic computer animated movie, based on the Final Fantasy VII role playing game from 1997. The movie is containig magnificient environments, characters and creatures and is completely created on Silicon Graphics Computers. In the credit texts in the end a complete group of artists specialiced in textile simulation is mentioned, and indeed a lot of layers of clothing and cloth is presented in the movie.

More Facts
On the Interntet Movie Database

The Producers
Square Enix

Musical Notes
Composer Nobuo Uematsu on Wikipedia