Tuesday, March 06, 2007

g a m e . o v e r

GAME OVER is the Swedish world leading game metal band. Guitarist Wire is right now in the USA. The tour lasts from late februar and early March. Check out the places beeing visited and the band site Nintedometal

Game metal & xmetal friends should listen to Blodkorv morgonfjong at Backflashradio. Video game remix fans could visit www.vgdj.net or chat on #vgdj on irc:// irc.enterthegame.net.


Anonymous said...

Jag gillar dig!
Du har! humor
Se nu till att, Få det där reklamutdelarjobbet (som du)

pratar så - mycket om


Tom Smoke said...

men jag vill nog satsa på karriär som jultomte